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screenplay - "REMOTE"


     REMOTE began as a story line for a comic book I wanted to write and draw. The premise: An introverted television-obsessed man gets a hold of an enchanted, artificially intelligent remote control that bends the world around him. I did a decent amount of writing, concept art, and even Flash animation in the name of REMOTE. And then I moved from Boston to Los Angeles. And yes, I got swept up in screenplay fever with the aid of a well meaning agent. 

     The REMOTE screenplay made the LA rounds for about a year or so but with no takers. And then the strangest thing happened -- the Adam Sandler movie "Click" came out. The premise of "Click"?  A family man gets a hold of an enchanted, artificially intelligent remote control that... Probably just a coincidence but "Click" knocked REMOTE out of the running for a little while. I still feel REMOTE is solid enough to be made into a film. If you or someone you know happens to be in the market for a hot IP, I've got the screenplay in .PDF format. 

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